By Chris Lott
Here’s a prediction… The American public will shortly have had enough and re-open for business. Government permission or not. Is that not really a good thing?
As the Coronavirus pandemic peaks and recedes more “truthful” information is beginning to be put forward. The average citizen is not as stupid as the media and liberal government leaders think we are. We can quickly connect the long game dots which are now leading to power grabbing and money and not so much our safety. Not a surprise to us that follow politics.
We are losing jobs, businesses are failing, education opportunities are limited, and religious freedoms are stifled. Our basic social needs of family and friends have been limited. But, of course, we are law abiding citizens that want to do the right thing, and so we have. For a while.
Small Business is the lifeblood of American Society
American entrepreneurship is strong in our country. We love a good rags to riches story. Small businesses make up the majority of our jobs. When they go we all are in trouble. This affects every aspect of our American way of life. Our pain and patience is limited and we will start making changes.
“All humans are entrepreneurs not because they should start companies but because the will to create is encoded in human DNA.” – Reid Hoffman, co-founder LinkedIn
Don’t get me wrong… If things were still dire we would continue with the quarantines. But it isn’t any more. Common sense tells us it’s time to move on and rebuild as we have so many times before. It’s what we do and we are damn good at it.
The politicians and media can play games if they want. Ultimately, however, it will be the American public that will end the quarantine and get our country back and running.