Christian millennials supporting Bernie Sanders and socialism in the US? I find this extremely puzzling. In talking with some of them most have no real idea what socialism truly means. What changes would occur for them personally. Bernie talks a good game of capitalism/socialism which confuses them even more. As in all accomplished socialist spokespeople…
Prayer and The Silent Majority
I ran across this article on prayer and the silent majority recently and was moved by its candor and spirit. It really sums up my feelings/beliefs as a member of the silent majority Christians in this country. The authors of this piece are in dispute but nonetheless the words are as inspiring today as they…
Anxiety and Fear – Children’s New Normal
Today’s children are getting a crazy world wide message. A message that that has become the new normal for some. A message not unlike the one I received during my formative years in the 60s, 70s and so on..
Freedoms Under Attack
There are frustrations in this world that I couldn’t possibly understand. While I can sympathize I can’t really empathize. These same frustrations and disappointments boil up from time to time. The frustrated feel they have no voice. They feel no one understands their plight. Enough becomes enough and a release is needed. They must be…
Children, Sex Change and Child Abuse.
Joe Biden’s appointee, “Rachel” Levine, for Assistant Secretary of Health (HHS) would not deny that so-called “transgender treatments” for children are acceptable in an exchange with Senator Rand Paul recently. The fact that this person is the best that the Democrats can come up with for this top government position is disturbing by itself. But…