Why aren’t our teachers demanding the reopening of schools? Pandemic fear? Union oppression? Belief that virtual learning is working? Maybe because it’s a great deal for them?
Cancel Culture – #1 Problem for American Conservatives.
Is it right to cancel out any opinion that does not meet someone else’s ideals? A disturbing cancel culture has fully emerged that wants their opinions to be the only ones. An open dialogue with dissenting viewpoints is unthinkable. To have any opinion contrary to them is racist, hate speech endangering all you are and…
The GOP is Dead. Long Live the New GOP!
The Grand Old Party is dead. Politicians like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collings, Liz Cheney and many others have done and are doing everything they can to hang on to their last threads of power throughout the GOP. They’ve even gone so far as to partner with the Socialist Democrats in an…
Do Conservative Colleges and Universities Exist?
Colleges and universities have become incubators for liberal ideology, Marxism teachings and suspect moral behavior. While an education can be had and a degree earned at these higher education facilities, all conservative like minded students typically feel uncomfortable and many times threatened for their thoughts and beliefs. So, can a great education be had without…
Trump Accomplishments
Trump Accomplishments, Promises Fulfilled – From the Whitehouse Website through January 2021 A list of accomplishments while being constantly attacked by Democrats and Republicans alike. Unprecedented Economic Boom Before the China Virus invaded our shores, we built the world’s most prosperous economy. America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’…