Joe Biden’s appointee, “Rachel” Levine, for Assistant Secretary of Health (HHS) would not deny that so-called “transgender treatments” for children are acceptable in an exchange with Senator Rand Paul recently. The fact that this person is the best that the Democrats can come up with for this top government position is disturbing by itself. But…
Common Sense Blog
We Are at War – An Ideology War
Government is bad. Politicians are bad. Corporations are bad and so on. While true at some levels the average citizen ultimately makes their own decision of what, who and how to follow. They make decisions regardless of policies set by others. Their ideology is a system of beliefs, ideas and principles that they will ultimately…
Stop Obsessing. Family, Friends and Peace of Mind.
The world can be a torrent place. It seems there’s no solace for those that try to deal with it by their own devices. Looking for answers here and there can be confusing and misleading at best. Many obsessing over non-controllable events. To make things worse, the progressive ideology of family and personal identities are…
Small Business Will Open Come Hell or High Water
Here’s a prediction… The American public will shortly have had enough and re-open for business. Government permission or not. Is that not really a good thing?
Common Sense
There comes a time in your life where simply focusing on the daily grind is just not enough. Maybe a higher purpose? This is where I’m at in mine. I found myself realizing beliefs I valued were disappearing right before my eyes. So-called truths were becoming half truths at best. Good was becoming bad and…