There are frustrations in this world that I couldn’t possibly understand. While I can sympathize I can’t really empathize. These same frustrations and disappointments boil up from time to time. The frustrated feel they have no voice. They feel no one understands their plight. Enough becomes enough and a release is needed. They must be…
Tag: 1st amendment
Cancel Culture – #1 Problem for American Conservatives.
Is it right to cancel out any opinion that does not meet someone else’s ideals? A disturbing cancel culture has fully emerged that wants their opinions to be the only ones. An open dialogue with dissenting viewpoints is unthinkable. To have any opinion contrary to them is racist, hate speech endangering all you are and…
Mainstream Media – It’s Their Damn Fault.
The pure outrage, anger and fear from the politically left leaning mainstream media is really quite something to behold. Suddenly, they find themselves with tens of millions of Americans not necessarily believing what they push as news on paper or electronically. These demi-gods of information simply can’t let their egos comprehend what is happening. Like…
The Great Purge – Galvanizing a Silent Majority
I want to thank Speaker Pelosi and her political followers (on both sides of the aisle), Twitter, Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google, Corporate America and many others for the great purge they are dragging us through. They sit in their echo chambers and collude with all that regurgitates their tripe and idealism. These overseers of the…