By Chris Lott
The Grand Old Party is dead. Politicians like Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell, Lisa Murkowski, Susan Collings, Liz Cheney and many others have done and are doing everything they can to hang on to their last threads of power throughout the GOP. They’ve even gone so far as to partner with the Socialist Democrats in an effort to destroy Mr.Trump and anyone that backed him. How could these “ignorant” voters have the audacity to challenge their condescending authority?
How do I know the GOP is dead?
In my many years as a voter I have never seen anything like the momentum and excitement of the Trump base before. Millions of people of all races and genders had caught the MAGA vision. A vision of common sense and a real desire to help Americans get ahead. The sincerity was intoxicating and the movement undeniable. The people were no longer going to put up with a party that was tone deaf to their frustrations and needs.
But the power brokers of the GOP could not have this.
To use social media tweeting was uncouth. To not care and obey their philosophies of the presidential position on how he should act and play ball was disgusting. For him to fight back was appalling. And then…
The warmongers of the GOP could not tolerate a no-war president. For him to negotiate with strength and economical weapons was insulting and not conducive to appeasing their benefactors. It’s just not how things are done.
Even so, what really keeps them up at night is that the MAGA movement is not going away. If anything it has become the standard of the blue collar and middle class, a majority that is no longer silent.
Like a newly terminally wounded victim they have yet to understand their predicament. They will.
There will be a new GOP.
A remaking of the GOP is already in the works. The hatred of Mr. Trump opened our eyes to the pure evil and corruption of our current party. A party that has no loyalty to their people and feels no obligation to their constituents overall.
We will have a party that will be brave enough to challenge and beat our adversaries. Not a party filled with political maneuvering talking heads with no action. This may take form in the remaking of the current GOP through replacing those that are in power today with new. This may be a new political party period. Whatever it is rest assured a change is coming and it will be big. 70 million people have spoken and they will be heard.